HIMA Benelux, formerly FEBIN is the supplier federation of the DIY, garden and home renovation sector since 1999 and unites around 100 manufacturers and distributors from that sector.

It represents their interests in the Benelux and at international (European) level; facilitates experience exchange and cooperation between its members, sets up actions to support them in the economic and strategic development of their companies and ensures dialogue and consultation with the retail sector .

HIMA Benelux promotes the sector in the broadest sense, connects members, inspires them and helps them develop their vision towards the future.

HIMA and its members also serve consumers who want to make their homes a safe, comfortable and cosy home.

HIMA is committed to (to) :

Inspiration to fuel innovation.
In this way, HIMA aims to provide the right tools to meet the future challenges of the industry, increased consumer expectations and the challenges on the entire value chain to self-confidence.

Collaborate in the sense of sharing knowledge and best practices to grow together towards a bigger picture. 1+1 = 3

Be a voice:
To be a voice for its members and by extension the entire sector, towards government, retail and all possible stakeholders. To bring knowledge and expertise to the debate, defending the interests of its members and the sector.

HIMA Benelux will focus on 3 major strategic axes in the coming years :

  1. Cooperation : our roots : knowledge sharing - networking....
  2. Developing inspiration and vision
  3. Collecting data (market, consumer behaviour and trends and employee engagement)

The action plan will therefore focus on 7 projects :

  1. Collecting market data and sharing knowledge
  2. Corporate social responsibility and sustainability
  3. Actions around the future and trends (consumer, product and market)
  4. Supply chain

Workshops will be set up for 1 to 4 and we absolutely need the commitment of all our members.

  5. Work around code of conduct and legal issues.
  6. Monitoring and promoting our DNA and monitoring and adjusting the roll-out of our strategic thinking.
  7. Recruit members and structurally engage them more deeply

Actions 5 to 7 are Board assignments

Gold partner
Silver partner
Bronze partner