General terms

General terms – HIMA Benelux asbl
Latest update dd. 28/10/2021.
The website (hereafter: the “website”) is property of:

HIMA Benelux asbl (hereafter “HIMA Benelux asbl”, “us” and “our”)

Willem Klooslaan 10 / 5
2050 Antwerp
BE 0821.786.968

Intellectual property rights

The contents of this site, including trademarks, logos, drawings, data, product or company names, texts, images, etc. are protected by intellectual rights and belong to HIMA Benelux, its partners or entitled third parties.

Limitation of liabilities 

We strive to ensure that the information on our website is complete and reliable. However, we cannot be held liable for inaccurate information on this website; you can always contact us to correct it.

We cannot be held liable for the malfunctioning of this website and any direct or indirect damage you may suffer as a result. We reserve the right to restrict or block access to the website in certain cases of force majeure.

Posting a link to another website does not imply our approval of its content.

When transmitting your personal data, we use all available means to ensure that it is done securely, but it is always done at your own risk.

Applicable law and competent courts


Only Belgian law is applicable.

Any dispute arising from the consultation of this website falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Belgian courts.



This website can be accessed by recent computers with current software installed. However, the organisation does not guarantee compatibility and cannot be held liable for any inability to access the website.

It is prohibited to force access to parts of this website that are not publicly visible. It is also prohibited to modify, add or remove items from the website in any way.


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Gold partner
Silver partner
Bronze partner