
Below you can find a list of themes. Those are getting our full attention. These subjects were examined, and whether or not further elaborated in working groups. The topics were subject to discussion in the joint platform BDA, in consultation with suppliers and retail.  

Obviously, there are certain subjects that are under a constant attention by their persistent current issues. 

  1. Consumer research into the behaviour of the Belgian handyman, which was reflected in the study: “The behaviour of the Belgian handyman”. Over the years, there have been several studies conducted and distributed to the members for free or for a fee. 
  2. Development of Charta, promoting a harmonious policy with regard to source tagging. Source tagging involves applying a security element to the article, in the article or in the packaging. This process should ideally be executed as invisible as possible, and should be done before the article arrives at the distribution centre of the retailer or at the point of sale. Source tagging should under no circumstances be any non-deactivatable security elements with the intention to guard the consumer and the retailer of nuisance alarms. 
  3. Start up and / or maintain relationships with like-minded organisations in our field, such as: the trade press, Comeos, the Ministry of Health, FEDIYMA, Edra, other official agencies, …
  4. Integration of the working group tele DIY. Tele DIY was founded in 1992 to motivate the sector towards a harmonious and identical communication channel for EDI traffic. The association has done a lot of pioneering work. EDI traffic comes mostly along like the organization it worked out at that time. The association on its own is being dissolved and integrated as a working group in the BDA. 
  5. The organisation of study tours. 
  6. Working groups: including customer satisfaction, logistics, ...
  7. Common procurement and distribution of market information.
  8. Organising networking (events), both on a national as an international level.
  9. Negotiating of member benefits from suppliers operating in the DIY sector, and provide added value to its members and the whole industry .
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