Tuesday 10 October 2017 Van 00u00 | |||||||||||||||
Op dinsdag 27 maart 2018 brengen we een geleid bedrijfsbezoek aan Katoen Natie te Kallo aangevuld met een uiteenzetting van ADEO. Aansluitend volgt er een netwerkreceptie met Walking Dinner. Opgelet: er is slechts plaats voor 50 genodigden! KATOEN NATIE “Katoen Natie develops and delivers smarter logistics and engineering solutions, tailored to each customer’s specific situation. Our services range from offering warehousing solutions to designing, building and operating of on-site and multicustomer platforms. Our in-house knowledge in terms of logistics, engineering and IT makes us most creative, responsive and fast when it comes to your specific needs. To this end, we also decentralized our activities. We organized our Business Units to serve specific industries, globally, be it with the assistance of local operations. Each business unit has a great deal of autonomy. This structure allows for flexible communication with our customers and fast decision-making by our managers.” Voor meer info: http://www.katoennatie.com/